Monday, March 21, 2016



Local elected officials may have little regard for, or understanding of, mobilehome owners because they know so little about them.

Misconceptions of "trailers" and “folks who can just pick up and move if they don't want to pay the rent" must be replaced by reality. This can be accomplished in several ways. These steps require organization and planning. The goal should be to get the issue of rent stabilization placed on the meeting agenda for specific discussion and consideration at a future meeting


Invite one or more representatives to the park to a GSMOL or HOA meeting where the issue of rents is openly discussed, and where the realities of the mobilehome lifestyle can be explained. Hosting a small meeting in someone's home is a useful alternative.


Organize a presentation for the "public comment" portion of a Council or Board of Supervisors meeting.  Request that it be on the agenda for a future meeting.  If unsuccessful, try again and again until you are taken seriously.  If rents are truly unreasonable, and the unique nature of mobilehome living is properly communicated, a Council or Board will seldom fail to at least study the issue of rent stabilization.


Communicate in writing with your representatives prior to confronting them face-to-face with the problem.  Keep it professional and respectful.

Source: The GSMOL Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance Handbook, Second Edition: Guidelines for Drafting and Enacting a Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance.

Prepared by: Bruce Stanton, Esq., Corporate Counsel
Image courtesy of Iamnee at

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