Saturday, March 26, 2016

Unregulated Space Rents


Most homeowners are all too familiar with the effects of unregulated space rents. Those who are not should realize what can happen when space rents are not regulated. In the absence of a mobilehome rent stabilization ordinance, experience indicates that excessive rents are common.


Often residents of parks which have not seen unreasonable rent increases will say that the same cannot happen to them because the owner of their park is reasonable. Unfortunately, the reasonable owner is not immortal and there is no guarantee that the next owner will be as reasonable.

GSMOL is aware of many parks where monthly space rents have been increased several hundred dollars during the last few years in the absence of a rent ordinance. If park owners operated in a fair manner, and refrained from seeking additional profits at the expense of their residents, government protection would not be needed.

Source: The GSMOL Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance Handbook, Second Edition: Guidelines for Drafting and Enacting a Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance.

Prepared by: Bruce Stanton, Esq., Corporate Counsel

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